Living Intentionally During Seasonal Transitions

// Being Intentional During Seasonal Transitions

As the seasons gracefully transition, there exists an opportunity for personal reflection. It invites us to reevaluate our routines and embrace the potential for growth. Being intentional during these seasonal shifts involves a mindful consideration of our goals, values, and overall well-being. It all makes that next season more meaningful. Just as spring brings renewal and blossoming possibilities, and winter fosters a period of reflection and hibernation, aligning ourselves with the rhythm of the seasons allows for a harmonious integration of change into our lives. By recognizing and embracing the transformative power inherent in each seasonal transition, then we can navigate the inevitable cycles of life with grace and purpose. Being intentional in focusing where we spend our time and energy allows us to spend it more on the things that bring us joy. Whether it’s hearing the crunching of the fall leaves as you take your outdoor stroll through your favorite park, or making a summer tangy cucumber soup made from your garden to reading your favorite book while smelling your soy coffee candle – it can be things that you want to continue to keep doing or things that may be rejuvenating to you at the moment. We can change our lives again and improve ourselves. Life has different stages, and they are like a gift that helps us become the best version of ourselves.

I personally love journalling (the new iPhone update has journaling now built into it! Not sure about Androids yet!). Whether it’s my own journal or in my daughter’s baby book. Going through my camera roll, polaroids, film scans or keepsakes I’ve placed in there to tape allows me to stop, reflect on the past month where my energy and time have been spent with her. I also find it helpful to go through my clothes. Sometimes I’ll only have time to go through one drawer or one shelf in my closet; however, I remember to give myself grace. Some seasons I’ll be able to go through the entire closet, dresser or guest bedroom! Regardless, it allows for me to truly decide if something brings me joy, and if not, then to either sell or donate to someone who it might bring more joy to. When you let go of things, you create space for new and better things to come in. Accepting these seasonal transitions and being open to what comes next can enrich and enhance your life. I personally believe that God uses all seasons to better us, allowing us to invest in ourselves and those around us to grow closer to him. You can also have family photos done whether it’s in the fall just in time for holiday cards, or switch up the seasons and have some taken in the spring for a little change! One thing I am intentional when I get a new phone for instance, is to turn off all notifications for social media so that I am only looking at it on my own time when I want to be spending my time and energy on it. This has been a game changer and now thinking about it, I’ve always done this!

Living with intention, lowers our stress. In particular because we don’t think about pros and cons for every decision we make. The wonderful part is that this only requires creating small shifts that essentially turn into significant changes. It doesn’t have to be complex and can be all started just by listing your values. Making some of these changes can be a little scary or difficult, but remind yourself that it’s completely normal to experience various emotions while on an intentional living path and to give yourself grace. You are doing the best that you can! I will be adding onto this blog for sure as I feel there are so many things I want to touch on or share still, but in the mean time I hope it was able to bring you some ideas and inspiration to be more intentional during seasonal transitions! 🙂



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Living Intentionally During Seasonal Transitions
